Welcome to the Gyeonggi-do medical information website.
Gyeonggi-do is a metropolitan government and is around the metropolitan area of Korea.
The province has the largest population in the country, and is home to many excellent healthcare institutions. On average, approximately 50,000
foreign patients visit Gyeonggi-do every year to receive healthcare treatment at the 150 foreign patient healthcare institutions in the province.
Hospitals in Gyeonggi-do are not only equipped with medical technology at the world-class level and cutting-edge medical devices,
but also have professional specialists.
Gyeonggi-do also offers the following programs for foreign patients:
- Registration and management of healthcare institutions and organizations for foreign patients
- Websites, social media accounts, YouTube channel in foreign languages
- Providing healthcare to the world (volunteer medical services overseas, invites foreign patients in need of free surgery, etc.)
- Social reporter programs (who write articles in foreign languages) and newsletters
This website will provide those of you who wish to receive healthcare services in Korea with useful medical information from Gyeonggi-do. Thank you.

[Photograph] Gyeonggi-do Office
Location of Gyeonggi-do

Excellent Medical Service Infrastructure
(As of the end of 2020)
- 337 public health and medical institutions (9.6% of the entire country)
- 15,609 medical institutions (22.3% of the entire country)
- 3,183 pharmaceutical and other manufacturing companies (39.2% of the entire country)
- 85,789 healthcare professionals (20.3% of the entire country)
Advantages of Medical Gyeonggi
- Proximity to the airports
- Numerous excellent IT-based medical systems and large hospitals
- Many disease-specializing hospitals
- Various pharmaceutical, bio, and medical device companies
- Excellent access to tourist attractions including UNESCO World Heritage sites, shopping places, and accommodation