Medical Gyeonggi e-News

[MindHub] Health and even save lives by treating brain diseases through digital therapeutic devices

  • Name 관리자
  • Date 2024-05-27
  • Views 638

We improve people's health and even save lives

by treating brain diseases through digital therapeutic devices.





Q. Company Introduction


MindHub was founded in 2019 with a mission to develop cognitive rehabilitation training software programs for patients experiencing cognitive decline compared to normal individuals, such as those with dementia, mild cognitive impairment, stroke, and intellectual disabilities. The company aims to slow down the progression of cognitive decline while enabling patients to enjoy daily life more freely.


Q. Company Product [Zenicog] Introduction


Providing AI-based personalized cognitive training


For the past 20 years, cognitive rehabilitation programs utilizing computers have been actively used primarily in medical institutions. Our product, Zenicog, utilizes a cloud network system to analyze patient data on server-based platforms. We implement and provide an AI-based analysis and training recommendation system to offer suitable rehabilitation training for patients.

This AI technology supports the standardization of cognitive therapy services by addressing variations in the quality and approach of therapy due to therapists’ experience and expertise.







Q. Market Outlook for Cognitive Impairment and Brain Disorder Treatment Programs


As the population ages, the number of patients with brain disorders such as dementia and mild cognitive impairment is increasing


According to the Korean Dementia Association, the number of patients with mild cognitive impairment in South Korea has reached 2.54 million, and there are approximately 960,000 registered dementia patients among the population aged 60 and above. Mild cognitive impairment refers to a condition where cognitive abilities such as memory are lower than those of the same age group, with a risk of developing dementia 10 to 15 times higher compared to normal individuals. With the increasing number of patients with degenerative brain disorders due to aging, the societal costs of managing these conditions are steadily rising. It is estimated that by 2040, these costs will amount to approximately KRW 57 trillion. Globally, around 10 million patients are diagnosed with dementia each year, and when considering other brain disorders such as intellectual disabilities, stroke, and traumatic brain injury patients, the market size of cognitive therapy programs for brain disorders is expected to grow even further.



Director   Lee Hae Sung



Q. MindHub’s Goal


Developing rehabilitation programs for everyone experiencing cognitive impairment


It is estimated that approximately 5.4 million people in South Korea require cognitive therapy, including those with dementia, developmental disabilities, and individuals on the borderline of intellectual functioning, such as school-age children. The average cost for one cognitive therapy session for patients with cognitive impairment due to brain disorders is around KRW 40,000, and to maintain treatment for a year, it requires close to KRW 10 million. Although the government provides various welfare policies to support patients, it still imposes a significant economic burden.

Particularly for patients with degenerative brain disorders, the goal should be to delay the progression of cognitive impairment rather than achieving dramatic improvement. Thus, continuous medical care and monitoring are crucial, surpassing the importance of any other disease management. Therefore, MindHub aims to provide cognitive rehabilitation services through Zenicog not only in medical institutions but also in patients’ living environments such as homes and welfare facilities, ensuring a level of expertise in management comparable to that provided by professionals. This program aims to alleviate the social and economic burdens of patients.


Q. Future Export Strategy


Expanding into the markets of Japan, North America, and developing countries


As of 2023, it is estimated that there are approximately 50 million Alzheimer’s patients worldwide, and this number is projected to increase to around 150 million by 2050.

MindHub is currently offering an English version of Zenicog at Samitivej Hospital in Thailand, following their request. This collaboration serves as a stepping stone for our international expansion efforts. We aim to broaden our presence globally by partnering with additional medical institutions abroad for further clinical research and cooperation, with the ultimate goal of exporting Zenicog to international markets.

Furthermore, we plan to introduce Zenicog’s tailored cognitive rehabilitation program utilizing its unique strength in AI to overseas markets through partnerships with collaborators in developed markets for rehabilitation therapy among aging populations, such as Japan and the United States.

