Medical Gyeonggi e-News

[AUG. 2022] Gyeonggi-do online video conference with the Mongolian HDC

  • Name 관리자
  • Date 2022-08-26
  • Views 1410

Gyeonggi-do online video conference

with the Mongolian HDC (Health Development Center)



Gyeonggi-do held a working-level online video conference with the Mongolian HDC (Health Development Center) on July 25 to discuss the main issues in the health and medical field of the two countries.


The Mongolian HDC is a government-affiliated organization that establishes legal grounds to manage the quality of medical services, foster the health and medical workforce, and develop relevant policies.


A working-level video conference between Gyeonggi-do and the Mongolian HDC was arranged as part of the cooperation project between the respective medical organizations. As part of the effort, both sides had met at the Medical Gyeonggi Training which was held in Mongolia in June. The follow-up video conference was held in an effort to continue their exchanges despite the current situation where face-to-face exchanges between local governments of different countries have been challenging due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


The conference was attended by the working-level officials in the health and medical field including the Health and Medical Department Head from Gyeonggi-do and counterparts from Mongolian HDC including the Head of Human Resource Department and other working-level officials in charge of international cooperation, overseas education, and public relations.


The two parties had discussions on issues about international cooperation in the health and medical field that have been carried forward by each side. Gyeonggi-do introduced its cooperation projects with other local governments, an invitation training program for medical personnel from overseas countries, medical services in overseas countries, and other marketing projects, as well as its local conditions and infrastructure in the health and medical field. The Mongolian HDC introduced the organization, current conditions of the country with respect to the medical field, and its international exchanges.



At the end of the conference, both parties agreed that they would have another video conference to discuss an invitation training program for Mongolian medical personnel working in the treatment of rare diseases and organ transplantation and to share their quarantine policies against COVID-19 and discuss joint responses. They also confirmed their commitment to continuous mutual cooperation.