Medical Gyeonggi e-News

[DEC. 2024] Promotion of Visit Training Program in Mongolia for Cooperation in the Healthcare...

  • Name 관리자
  • Date 2024-12-24
  • Views 214

Promotion of Visit Training Program in Mongolia for Cooperation

in the Healthcare Sector between Gyeonggi Province and Mongolia






Gyeonggi Province visited Ulaanbaatar City and Darkhan City (Darkhan Uul) in Mongolia from December 15 to 19, 2024, to promote a visiting training program for Mongolian medical professionals.

Gyeonggi Province has been actively promoting mutual visits, inviting Mongolian medical professionals for clinical training, and conducting short-term training programs for nursing staff since signing a health and medical cooperation MOU with Darkhan Uul in July 2021 and with the Health Development Center (HDC) in August 2023.



First, a visit was made to Darkhan City, where discussions were held at the Darkhan Uul Health Department and Darkhan Uul General Hospital regarding practical aspects of the invitation program for Mongolian medical professionals. In addition, a “K-Medical Master Class” was held for around 30 medical professionals from Darkhan City. Professor Im Soo-bin from Soonchunhyang University Hospital Bucheon Department of Neurosurgery directly participated in this training program and conducted lectures on spinal diseases and surgical medical technologies for local medical professionals.


In addition, a visit was made to the Mongolian National Trauma and Orthopedic Center in Ulaanbaatar City to carry out exchange and cooperation activities between Gyeonggi Province and Mongolian medical professionals. In particular, there was a meeting with graduates of the Medical Gyeonggi Training Program , and the post-training follow-up process was directly observed and checked on-site.

Gyeonggi Province plans to implement various cooperative projects to ensure that exchange and cooperation in the healthcare sector between Korea and Mongolia can continue next year, focusing on training programs for overseas medical professionals.